Realistic Acting Course Members
Wallace Bridges (back left) | Elisabeth Efua Sutherland (back right)
Terra Alta Foundation, Dzorwulu, Accra, Ghana

No Textbooks!  Students are required to perform on video memorized text and a scene from contemporary realistic plays written since 1950. The professor will select your performance material when they are required.

Recording Policy:  Students may not record or distribute any class activity without written permission from the professor.  Any approved student recordings for special accommodations may only be used for the student’s own private use.

Live Theatre:  Students are required to watch a live theatre production during this course period. A live theatre production should involve memorized performances by actors (may include singers, musicians and dancers) on a stage in front of a live audience.

Showcase Performance: The course concludes on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 with a Showcase Performance, which features the Monologues and Duet Scenes that students will have memorized and rehearsed during the course. This will be a free performance for family and friends of the course participants.

Student Outcomes:

  1. Acquire basic knowledge and skills in the use of vocabularies, materials, tools,
    techniques, and intellectual methods associated with the craft of acting.
  2. Examine the relationship between creative and critical thinking.
  3. Learn the relationship between form and content.
  4. Begin to understand historical development in an arts discipline.
  5. Develop ability to evaluate work in an arts discipline.
  6. Learn to define and solve artistic problems.

Course Objectives:

  1. To increase your confidence in your acting ability.
  2. To learn principles of effective stage acting.
  3. To reinforce existing vocal performance skills and identify areas for improvement.
  4. To demonstrate effective aspects of acting preparation.
  5. To demonstrate effective aspects of acting performance.
  6. To appropriately apply acting skills to a variety of acting contexts.
  7. To assist the student in developing writing skills.
  8. To involve the student in the Internet and educational technology.


* Punctuality and Attendance – VERY IMPORTANT!

Welcome Survey

Duet Scene (3-4 minutes)

Showcase Performance – Wednesday, August 21 at 7:00 p.m.


Participation and Attendance | Actively participate in the scheduled classes.  In order for this course to be a successful learning experience for students, active and committed participation is crucial, so students should consider attendance mandatory.  Students are expected to engage in discussions and exercises as they occur.  More importantly, student involvement as an active listener who provides meaningful feedback is crucial.

Behavior | As with all classroom activities, students must behave in a respectful, responsible and adult manner. Help to create a positive environment that will foster diverse opinions by respecting self, the class, and the professor.